Make Custom Challenge Coins With Bottle Openers

By qualitycc

There are many people that like to carry a commemorative challenge coin in their pockets.  If you are anything like these individuals, we have an even better suggestion for you.  Why not carry a challenge coin that is appealing and has a function? Creativity and Innovation Become One Custom challenge coin bottle openers are just as…

Custom Challenge Coins As Awards

By qualitycc

Rather than present a generic plaque or trophy to extraordinary individuals, why not give them something that is just as special as they are? Personalized challenge coins are an excellent choice for recognizing individual achievements and the accomplishments of an organization. What makes customized coins perfect as awards is their ability to be designed in any…

What Can Challenge Coins Be Used For?

By qualitycc

Custom challenge coins are extremely versatile objects that can be used in a number of ways.  From colleges and universities to military bases, these popular gift items help push individuals to succeed at everything that they do. Why Custom Challenge Coins? In addition to encouraging individuals to exceed their own expectations, personalized challenge coins also…

Use Custom Challenge Coins For Your Club

By qualitycc

Corporations and Military Aren’t the Only Groups Benefiting From Challenge Coins Challenge coins are the perfect way to increase team unity and help everyone feel that they belong. They’ve been used to these ends for years and years in the armed forces and among law enforcement agencies. Even corporations have adopted them into their regular…

Challenge Coins For School

By qualitycc

There many different ways in which educational institutions promote and support themselves.  School t-shirts, mugs and bags adorned with the school’s logo are some of the most popular and commonly used custom products.  If you are an administrator looking for a fresh new idea for your school or educational organization, why not choose custom challenge coins?…